Why Is My AC Running but Not Cooling?

A person repairing an ac unit

As the scorching summer heat descends upon Las Cruces, ensuring your air conditioner is running efficiently becomes crucial for keeping your indoor environment cool and comfortable. However, it can be frustrating to find your AC running but not cooling your home. In this blog, we will delve into common issues that could be causing this problem and how to address them effectively. At Aircon Heating & Cooling Inc., we understand the importance of maintaining a well-functioning cooling system.

A person changing their thermostat

The Thermostat Is Not Set Correctly 

One of the primary reasons why your AC might be running but not cooling your space could be due to an incorrectly set thermostat. Ensure that your thermostat is set to ‘cool’ and at the desired temperature for optimal cooling efficiency. 

A person changing an ac units filter

Your Air Filter Is Dirty 

A dirty air filter can obstruct airflow and hinder your AC’s cooling capabilities. Regularly check and replace your air filter to ensure the proper functioning of your cooling system. Aircon Heating & Cooling Inc. provides top-notch AC repair services in Las Cruces, including air filter inspections and replacements to enhance your indoor air quality.

A person cleaning an ac unit

The Condenser Unit Is Blocked

A blocked condenser unit can impede the airflow and heat transfer process, leading to inefficient cooling. Ensure the area around your condenser unit is clear of debris and obstructions for optimal performance. Our HVAC experts at Aircon Heating & Cooling Inc. can assist you in maintaining a clear condenser unit for uninterrupted cooling in Las Cruces.

An ac unit installed on a roof

Damaged Heat Pump

For homeowners with a heat pump system, issues such as a malfunctioning compressor or refrigerant leaks can impact cooling efficiency. If your heat pump is not cooling adequately, contact our team for professional HVAC services in Las Cruces to diagnose and resolve the problem promptly.

Evaporator Coil Is Frozen or Refrigerant Is Leaking 

A frozen evaporator coil or a refrigerant leak can severely affect your AC’s cooling capacity. These issues require immediate attention from certified professionals. Aircon Heating & Cooling Inc. offers comprehensive AC repair services in Las Cruces to address complex problems like frozen coils and refrigerant leaks efficiently.

By identifying and addressing common issues promptly, you can ensure your cooling system operates efficiently when you need it the most. Contact Aircon Heating & Cooling Inc. for reliable HVAC services, air conditioning repairs, and AC maintenance in Las Cruces to keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the season.

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