How to Prepare Your Air Conditioning System for the Summer Season

AC fan

As the temperatures start to rise and the summer season approaches, it’s important to ensure that your air conditioning system is in top shape. A well-maintained AC unit will not only keep your home cool and comfortable but also help you avoid costly repairs and save on energy bills. In this blog article, we, Aircon Heating & Cooling, your trusted HVAC contractor in Las Cruces, NM, will guide you through the steps to prepare your air conditioning system for the upcoming summer months.

HVAC maintenance

Schedule a Professional Maintenance Service

Start by scheduling a professional maintenance service with our experienced technicians. During this visit, we will inspect and clean your air conditioning system, check for any issues, and perform necessary repairs or adjustments. 

dirty filter

Change the Air Filters

Dirty air filters can restrict airflow and cause your AC system to work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and reduced cooling capabilities. We recommend changing your air filters regularly, ideally every 1-2 months, to maintain optimal performance. This simple step can greatly improve indoor air quality and decrease strain on your system.

AC outside

Clear the Surrounding Area

Ensure that the area around your outdoor AC unit is clear of any debris, such as leaves, twigs, or dirt. Clean the coils and remove any obstructions that could hinder proper airflow. This will help your system operate efficiently and prevent potential damage.

Adjusting thermostat

Check Thermostat Settings

Program your thermostat to a temperature that is comfortable for you and your family during the summer season. Consider using a programmable or smart thermostat that allows you to set cooling schedules and adjust temperatures even when you’re away from home. This will help optimize energy usage and increase cost savings.

Person turning on wall unit

Test the System

Before the temperatures soar, test your air conditioning system to ensure it is cooling properly. If you notice any unusual noises, weak airflow, or any other issues, contact our professional technicians for a thorough inspection and prompt repairs.


Preparing your air conditioning system for the summer season is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable indoor environment. With our expert guidance and services, you can trust Aircon Heating & Cooling, your premier HVAC contractor in Las Cruces, NM, to help you maintain a reliable and efficient AC system throughout the summer months. Schedule your maintenance service today and let us keep you cool all summer long!


Get Your AC Ready for Summer 

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