How to Cut Heating Costs This Winter

November 7, 2019

It isn’t uncommon for homeowners to use more energy during the winter months in an effort to stay warm as the temperatures drop. While this may result in higher heating bills, there are strategies that you can use to keep that increase to a minimum. Consider Wearing an Extra Layer of Clothing Instead of turning up the thermostat, it may be easier and less expensive to put on a sweater or a thicker pair of socks. You may also be able to get warm by having a hot beverage or by walking on the treadmill for a few minutes. If you have trouble sleeping at night, putting on an extra blanket may help keep you warm and comfortable without using excess energy. Get Your Furnace Products Inspected The technicians at in Las Cruces can take a variety of steps to ensure that your furnace is working at peak efficiency. It may be possible to replace an air filter, clean a dusty blower motor or ensure that a condensate line is clear of dust or debris. We can also replace a furnace or install new heating system components in your home. When a heating system is working properly, it makes your...

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Thermostat Best Practices for Fall

October 14, 2019

Fall is the season to make adjustments that will translate to continued household comfort and potential cost savings throughout the winter. At [company name], we recommend the following thermostat tips to help homeowners in Las Cruces and the surrounding areas prepare for lower temperatures. Check Thermostat Batteries An HVAC system’s thermostat is the component that regulates the home’s temperature. Therefore, it is important to inspect the thermostat before the start of a new season. Thermostats have batteries that need to be replaced from time to time. Newer systems make it easier to know when a battery needs to be replaced. Modern systems indicate the need for battery replacement by making a beeping sound, or the system may have a low battery indicator light. Consider Upgrading Older homes typically have manual thermostats, which need to be adjusted as the temperature fluctuates during the autumn season. Frequently adjusting the thermostat from heating to cooling can overload the HVAC system. Therefore, if you own an older home, you may wish to consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat that eliminates the need to manually adjust from hot to cold and back each time the weather changes. Install a Zoned System Traditional HVAC systems are...

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